Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kids and pancakes

Dave and I got David and Carter Sony mp3 players, and they are really enjoying them! Carter was listening to music one night and he got really tired and almost fell asleep on the couch. We also got Ashlee a new doll that came with a little potty, and a baby bathtub set.

These are just some random pictures since my family doesn't get to see us very often. Nice face Carter!

We had pancakes for dinner tonight, and Carter said he wanted to cook them, so I decided to let him. Ashlee wanted to help, so we let her mix the batter. Carter did a great job, and the pancakes tasted really yummy! And now David says that he wants to cook the pancakes next time we eat them for dinner! It's great that my kids are interested in learning to cook and that they think it is fun! Oh, and Ashlee is wearing her swimming suit because she said "It's summer in the winter!"--I think she heard that on a tv show she watches. And sometimes she puts her swimming suit on because she says she is going to have a picnic tea party and she gets out a blanket and her play tea set--I'll try and take a picture of that next time she does it!

David eating a bedtime snack.